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BEIJING (AP) ? Endless lines of slow-moving cars emerge like apparitions and then disappear again into the gloom of the thick smog that has shrouded Beijing and reduced its skyline to blurry gray shapes.
With more than 13 million cars sold in China last year, motor vehicles have emerged as the chief culprit for the throat-choking air pollution in big cities especially Beijing.
As the Chinese middle-class expanded dramatically over the last 20 years, cars became the new symbol of prosperity. With the economy continuing to grow, the love affair with cars will only bloom more, and is already posing a challenge for dealing with the hazardous air pollution in urban China that has a widespread impact on health, productivity and quality of life.
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MONDAY Jan. 28, 2013 -- Breast-conserving surgery for early stage breast cancers may result in better survival than mastectomy, according to a new study.
For those with early stage breast cancer, "lumpectomy is just as effective if not more effective than mastectomy," said researcher Dr. Shelley Hwang, chief of breast surgery at Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, N.C.
"There are lots of women who think the more [treatment] they do, the better they will do," she said. "This refutes that."
The findings, published online Jan. 28 in the journal Cancer, are especially strong for women over 50 with hormone-sensitive cancers, the researchers found.
Earlier research had also concluded that the two procedures are similarly effective, but Hwang's is a more "real-world" study.
Hwang's team looked at 14 years of data from the California Cancer Registry, following more than 112,000 women with early stage breast cancer (stages 1 or 2) between 1990 and 2004. Ages ranged from 39 to 80.
More than half (55 percent) had lumpectomy and radiation, while 45 percent had mastectomy (complete breast removal) alone.
Hwang compared lumpectomy and radiation with mastectomy alone, not mastectomy plus radiation. "We wanted to look at early stage disease, and those patients typically don't get radiation after mastectomy," she said.
The researchers tracked the women's progress for a median of more than nine years (half followed longer, half less). During that time, more than 31,000 women died, nearly 40 percent of them from breast cancer. The others died of other causes.
For the first three years after treatment, those who had a mastectomy had a higher risk of dying from heart disease and other ailments than those who had lumpectomy. This may indicate that the women who underwent lumpectomy were generally healthier, Hwang said.
Over the entire follow-up, those who underwent lumpectomy were more likely to survive the breast cancer.
"The group that benefited the most -- who had the biggest difference in breast cancer survival -- were those women over 50 with estrogen-receptor positive disease," Hwang said. This means their cancer depends on estrogen to grow.
Among those women, the lumpectomy group had a 13 percent lower risk of death from breast cancer and a 19 percent lower risk of death from any cause than those who had a mastectomy.
Not all women with early stage breast cancers can have a lumpectomy, Hwang said. In this procedure, just the tumor and some healthy tissue are removed, sparing the rest of the breast. Among the exceptions are those whose cancers are too large, or those who have different cancers in the same breast.
The percent of women with early breast cancers choosing a mastectomy has risen recently, after a dip in previous years. Hwang and others suspect that women told they could safely opt for lumpectomy were still afraid to try it.
The new research, which was funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, suggests that if a lumpectomy is possible, it may actually increase survival, Hwang said.
The findings may reverse the mastectomy trend, said Dr. Laura Kruper, co-director of the breast oncology program at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, Calif., who was not involved in the study.
The study is scientifically sound in many ways, Kruper said. "They broke it down by year of diagnosis and by age category," she said. "They looked at socioeconomic status, and they kept it early stage."
Dr. Wendy Woodward, section chief for breast radiation oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, said that for women with early cancers, the study "clearly reiterates there is no detriment to cancer control in having a lumpectomy and radiation for breast-conserving surgery candidates."
But, Woodward added, "I am not sure the study convinces us that lumpectomy and radiation is better for breast cancer survival, but it may be."
The study was observational, Hwang stressed. It found a link or association but could not provide cause-and-effect proof that the breast-conserving treatment is more effective than mastectomy in early stage breast cancer.
Hwang believes the study does arm women with valuable information. However, "I don't want women who chose mastectomy to think they did the wrong thing," Hwang said. "At the end of the day, personal preference trumps everything else. I fully support the patient's options to choose the best treatment for themselves."
More information
To learn more about lumpectomy, visit the American Cancer Society.
Posted: January 2013
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LITTLE BOSTON ? The Port Gamble S?Klallam Tribe hosts its annual ?Show Me The Money? Financial Fair on Monday, 1-5 p.m. at the S?Klallam Longhouse, 31912 Little Boston Road.
The event is free and open to the public.
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Participants include the state Department of Financial Institutions, Kitsap Community Resources, Olympic College, Port Gamble S?Klallam Tribe Housing, Columbia Bank, Connection Credit Union, Kitsap Credit Union, and ClearPoint Credit Counseling.
For more information, call (360) 297-9667. Go to
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Politics Confidential
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., defied the odds in November when she won the closest senate race in the country, and now that she's arrived in Washington, she's defiant as ever. But now, instead of defying the pollsters, she's defying the Democratic caucus by taking divergent opinions on issues central to the President Obama's second term agenda, ranging from gun control to the environment.
Heitkamp, who says growing the economy is her top priority, is concerned that the president is changing his focus to issues like climate change and gun control.
"I think, you know the one thing that has gotten lost by everyone is one of the best ways that we can perform here is by getting people back to work, making sure that this economic recovery, slow as it is, gets amped up and moves forward," Heitkamp tells Politics Confidential. "It's one of the reasons why I've been such a big proponent of the Keystone Pipeline. There's a shovel ready, private sector jobs program, good paying jobs."
On the topic of gun control, Heitkamp does not hesitate when asked if she'll support an assault weapons ban; her answer is a definitive no.
"There's literally hundreds of thousands of guns already out there," says Heitkamp. "This isn't a solution to the problem, that's my first thing. And I think if you read the case, the Second Amendment case, you got some serious Second Amendment challenges in all of this, and my personal perspective is that you are ignoring what could actually work to prevent this from happening because you are following an agenda that you already had before this ever happened, instead of taking a look at this circumstance, these situations and how do we prevent this violence."
Heitkamp says mental health needs to be part of the conversation in finding solutions to gun violence.
?It's good early prevention, it's good early detection of people who could possibly be doing these things, and then getting intervention,? says Heitkamp. ?Take a look at what happened in Aurora, Colorado, when they called the mother, what did the mother say? ?Oh my son could never do this?, no she said ?You have the right person, I'm sorry'. Now there's a message.?
Heitkamp, who has already faced criticism from environmental groups, may also soon be targeted by an outside group built from the remains of the president's campaign and led by the president's 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina. The new group plans to put pressure on Republicans and Democrats who don't go along with the president's agenda.
"I would tell you as you talk about Jim Messina, the president lost North Dakota by almost 22 percentage points and I was still elected the United States senator and I was elected because I promised people I was going to be their voice not the voice for a political party, not the voice for a president who happens to be in the same political party that I am but I am the voice for the people of North Dakota," Heitkamp says. "I'll make my decisions based on what I believe is in the best interest of the people of North Dakota, the people of this country. And if in six years people don't agree that I made the right choices, I'll find something else to do."
To hear more about Heitkamp's fearless brand of politics, and to find out what she thinks about proving the otherwise infallible Nate Silver wrong on election night, check out this week's Politics Confidential.
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SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China is considering lifting a decade-long ban on video game consoles, the official China Daily newspaper reported on Monday, sending shares of major hardware makers such as Sony Corp and Nintendo Co Ltd surging.
In November, Sony's PlayStation 3 received a quality certification from a Chinese safety standards body, prompting speculation that Beijing would lift the ban, which the government said was imposed in 2000 to safeguard children's mental and physical development.
"We are reviewing the policy and have conducted some surveys and held discussions with other ministries on the possibility of opening up the game console market," the China Daily quoted an unnamed source from the Ministry of Culture as saying.
"However, since the ban was issued by seven ministries more than a decade ago, we will need approval from all parties to lift it."
An official at the ministry's cultural market department, which is responsible for the legislation, denied the report.
"The ministry is not considering lifting the ban," the official, who identified himself only as Bai, told Reuters.
In Tokyo, Sony shares traded 8 percent higher while Nintendo gained over 3.5 percent, outperforming a broadly weaker Nikkei index.
Yoshiko Uchiyama, a spokeswoman for Sony Computer Entertainment, a unit of Sony, said she could not comment directly on the report.
"Our stance towards business in China has not changed. Of course, we acknowledge China as a promising market for our business, and we are always considering and preparing business opportunities and possibilities (in the country)," she said.
A Nintendo spokesman declined to comment.
Earlier moves suggest Chinese authorities are ready to take a softer line on game consoles.
Last year, Lenovo Group Ltd launched the Eedoo CT510, a motion sensing device similar in concept to Microsoft Corp's Kinect extension for its Xbox game console. Lenovo marketed the Eedoo as an "exercise and entertainment machine".
Video game consoles are banned in China, but online gaming and playing games on mobile devices are both extremely common, which analysts say limits the potential upside for Sony and rival game machine makers.
(Reporting by Kazunori Takada in SHANGHAI and Mari Saito in TOKYO; Editing by Daniel Magnowski)
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Women who've passed the Army's grueling Sapper Leader course say they're well-prepared to enter combat, and in some cases, better prepared than men. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports.
By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News
Declaring that it would strengthen both the military and the country, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Thursday lifted a ban on women in combat and said that it was ?the responsibility of every citizen to protect the nation.?
Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, the secretary vowed that the decision would not compromise military readiness and pledged that the armed forces would not lower standards for service, such as for physical fitness.
?If they can meet the qualifications for the job,? he said, ?then they should have the right to serve.?
President Barack Obama said in a statement that the decision would ?be another step toward fulfilling our nation?s founding ideals of fairness and equality,? themes that he sounded three days earlier in his second inaugural address.
The deaths of more than 150 American military women in Iraq and Afghanistan, the president said, demonstrate that ?valor knows no gender.? Another 1,000 women have been wounded in the nation?s two most recent wars.
The decision replaces a 1994 military policy memo signed by Les Aspin, a defense secretary under President Bill Clinton, that excluded women from assignments to units below the brigade level if the unit would be engaged in direct combat.
The change is expected to open 230,000 front-line positions to women.
Nearing the expected end of his own time as defense secretary, Panetta spoke of visiting Arlington National Cemetery and seeing no distinction between men and women who had given their lives in defense of the country.
Paula Bronstein / Getty Images
View images of the women deployed as the second Female Engagement team in Afghanistan
?They serve, they?re wounded, and they die right next to each other,? he said. ?The time has come to recognize that reality.?
The secretary said that there would be a review period for each of the armed services to see if there are any jobs that should be excluded. He wants recommendations on his desk by May 15.
But Pentagon officials said it might be next year before specifics are worked out and women can begin applying for the newly opened positions.?
Asked specifically about special operations units such as the Navy SEALs and Delta Force, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at the Pentagon briefing that he believes there are women who would meet those standards.
For years, women in the military, and outside groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union, have argued that women already serve on the front lines but are not recognized for it. Women constitute 15 percent of the active-duty military.
Panetta said repeatedly that he had been impressed by the role of women in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
?We are making our military stronger, and we are making America stronger,? he said.
Critics of Panetta?s decision had expressed concern that allowing women to serve in combat roles could harm unit cohesion and weaken military readiness. Others said they worried about lower standards for physical fitness, leading to a weaker fighting force.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. and a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, said earlier Thursday that lifting the ban was ?the right thing to do,? but he stressed that the military should make sure physical standards are met.
Reaction on Capitol Hill appeared mostly positive. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a New Hampshire Republican, congratulated Panetta for the decision in an interview on ?Andrea Mitchell Reports? on MSNBC.
?I think this is a very positive step, and it reflects the reality of what?s happening, obviously, in defending our nation,? she said.
Related: Women on front lines 'distracting,' critics say
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey announce that the military is lifting the ban on women serving in combat positions. Watch their statements.
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According to a court filing made public yesterday, Steve Jobs threatened Palm with a patent lawsuit in order to stop them from attempting to hire employees away from Apple. The communications between then-Palm CEO Edward Colligan and Jobs took place in 2007. The emails became public as part of a civil action brought against Apple, Google, Intel by five workers that alleged that these companies illegally conspired to end competition for one another?s employees. The threat from Jobs didn?t phase Colligan. According to Reuters:
Colligan told Jobs that the plan was "likely illegal," and that Palm was not "intimidated" by the threat.
?If you choose the litigation route, we can respond with our own claims based on patent assets, but I don't think litigation is the answer," he said.
We knew most of this before, but the patent threat is new. No poaching deals are potentially illegal as they tend to lead to lower wages for workers because no other company in their field will hire them away from their current position, giving them little or no leverage to negotiate better salaries and benefits.
Apple, Google, Adobe, Intel, Intuit Inc. and Walt Disney Co's Pixar all settled with the US Justice Department in 2010 in order to avoid prosecution over these agreements. Since the current legal action is civil, these companies may still be liable. Judge Lucy Koh -- yes, the same Lucy Koh as the Apple vs Samsung trial -- is currently considering whether or not to allow the lawsuit to proceed as a class action, which gives the plaintiff?s a chance to receive a larger settlement should they win.
So what do you think, is business just business, or did Apple and Steve Jobs cross the line?
Source: Reuters
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DJENNE, Mali (AP) ? A France-based human rights group on Wednesday accused Malian forces of dozens of "summary executions" and other abuses as they counter-attack Islamist extremists holed up in the West African country's hinterlands with key support from French air power and troops.
The International Federation for Human Rights, or FIDH by its French acronym, is calling for the creation of an independent commission to look into the crimes and punish those responsible.
FIDH charged that Malian forces were behind about 33 killings ? including of ethnic Tuaregs ? since new fighting erupted Jan. 10 along the narrow belt between the government-controlled south and the north, which has been under the control of al-Qaida-linked militants for months.
The human rights group didn't specify the source of its information. Journalists have been refused access to the area while trying to cover the French intervention that began Jan. 11 ? notably with punishing air strikes involving fighter jets and helicopter gunships.
The claims come as international backing continued to pour in for France's intervention. Pentagon officials said a U.S. airlift of French forces to Mali is expected to continue for another two weeks. Hundreds of African soldiers from Nigeria, Togo, Burkina Faso and Senegal are now joining.
Human rights groups have expressed concern about the situation in Mali ? notably the activities of Malian troops. In a statement, FIDH pointed to "a series of summary executions" perpetrated by Malian forces notably in the towns of Sevare, Mopti, Niono and others along the lines of clashes.
In Sevare, at least 11 people were killed at a military camp, near its bus station and its hospital, and "credible information" pointed to about 20 other executions with the bodies "buried hastily, notably in wells," FIDH said.
Malian troops also killed two ethnic Tuaregs in the Niono region, and "other allegations of summary executions continue to come to us," the group said.
Dozens of ethnic Tuaregs in Bamako, Mali's capital far to the west, have had their homes raided by Malian forces, and at times been subjected to pillage and intimation, the group said.
All of the victims are accused of being infiltrators or of having ties to the jihadists, of possessing weapons, or of not being able to produce identity papers or "simply targeted because of their ethnicity," it said.
Asked about concerns of rights abuses by the Malian army, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Philippe Lalliot said last week that protecting human rights and battling impunity was a priority for France, which "will do everything to stop violations of human rights across Mali."
The Islamist fighters have controlled the vast desert stretches of northern Mali, with the weak government clinging to the south, since a military coup in the capital in March last year unleashed chaos.
The U.S. Air Force is keeping between eight and 10 people at the airport in Mali's capital to help with the incoming and outgoing flights, the Pentagon said late Tuesday. The U.S. has already flown five C-17 flights into Bamako, delivering more than 80 French troops and 124 tons of equipment, it said.
France launched its intervention on Jan. 11 ? a day after Islamic extremists captured the central town of Konna, threatening a possible advance toward Bamako. France has said its forces will stay as long as necessary in Mali, but wants other African countries to the lead in helping Mali. Hundreds of African forces have been pouring in.
The central African country of Chad, which has troops familiar with desert terrain like that of northern Mali, has offered as many as 2,000 troops for the Mali intervention.
"Chad is a country that does have a relatively robust and well trained set of forces," U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Tuesday. "They also have interests to protect in the neighborhood, and we have been working with them to get them ready."
The U.S. is not providing direct aid to the Malian military because the democratically elected government was overthrown last March in a coup.
French officials confirmed Tuesday that Malian forces, backed by French air power, retook the key towns of Diabaly and Douentza. Douentza had been held by Islamist rebels for four months and is located 195 kilometers (120 miles) northeast of Mopti, the previous line-of-control held by the Malian military in Mali's narrow central belt. French and Malian troops arrived in Douentza on Monday to find that the Islamists had retreated from it.
Diabaly, 195 kilometers (120 miles) west of Mopti, was retaken Monday after Islamist fighters who had seized it a week earlier fled amid French air strikes.
Jamey Keaten contributed from Dakar, Senegal.
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? SuperStock/Corbis.
Something strange is happening with the word schizophrenia, something that makes it unlike any other word in the English language.
It starts with metaphor. Occasionally words drift from the language of a disease into the language of everyday things, and this path is almost always through metaphor. A symptom of the diseased body maps onto a common target and eventually it sticks; dangerous ideas become cancers, cities become blighted, pay raises become measly, and moldy stone fa?ades become leprous.
A metaphorical use of schizophrenic endures in this way, defined as having ?contradictory or antagonistic qualities or attitudes.? Thus a stock market can be schizophrenic when volatile, a politician when breaking from party lines, a composer when dissonant, a tax code when contradictory, weather when inclement, or a rapper when headlining as a poet.
There is a problem, though: This metaphorical use has nothing to do with the symptoms of actual schizophrenia. If the metaphor maps to anything, it most resembles multiple personality disorder?a disease that likely doesn?t exist and definitely is not schizophrenia.
The metaphorical use of schizophrenic suggests a rapid and unexpected switch from one extreme state to another, something like an embattled other self breaking through and taking over. But schizophrenia is not some unexpected polarity, nor is it a disease of fugue-like dissonance or a Jekyll-and-Hyde struggle for control.
As a casual misnomer, the misuse of schizophrenia would be of little interest. But metaphors invite their logical extensions, and these entailments can seamlessly influence thought. In this case, such entailments??He could erupt any minute??skew the ongoing discussion of the role of mental illness in violence. According to a 2003 report by a presidential commission on mental health, an alarming ?61 percent of Americans think that people with schizophrenia are likely to be dangerous to others.? The report continues: ?However, in reality, these individuals are rarely violent. If they are violent, the violence is usually tied to substance abuse.?
Why is there this disparity between the perceived and the believed?
We cannot know how many of these 61 percent are influenced by entailments, but almost two-thirds of those asked also thought schizophrenia had to do with ?split or multiple personalities.? The fact that the metaphorical definition of schizophrenic implies extreme, unpredictable behavior and that this is likely confused with violence furthers the misunderstanding of an already deeply stigmatized illness. The continued use of schizophrenia as a metaphor for multiple personalities is a linguistic and journalistic failure.
History shows that language changes how those afflicted with stubborn illnesses view themselves and, importantly, how they are treated by others. Before antibiotics, to be tuberculin meant to be weakly resigned to one?s fate?a relationship so strong that Franz Kafka blamed his tuberculosis on his own ?moral bankruptcy.? Susan Sontag, in her 1978 Illness as Metaphor, strongly objected to the then pervasive idea that one could have a cancerous personality, a kind of weakness of spirit thought to both give entry to the cancer and allow it to proliferate.
Of course, the bacteria that cause tuberculosis have nothing to do with moral bankruptcy, nor do the genetic mutations that cause cancer have anything to do with personal weakness. And whatever contributes to schizophrenia?a genetic predisposition, prenatal developmental problems, or as yet undiscovered risk factors?it has nothing to do with multiple personalities. Yet schizophrenia today, as tuberculosis and cancer before it, is spoken about as a disease of constitution (one does not have a schizophrenia as one has a fever or a tumor, but instead one is schizophrenic). This is not a quality of the disease but instead a reflection of our lack of scientific understanding of what causes it and what fixes it. ?
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We know that none of our loyal readers have ever used the Internet to download copyrighted content that they didn?t pay for. Still, you really have to watch this frankly insane product launch event staged by Kim Dotcom: international fugitive, founder of the now-defunct MegaUpload and defender of file sharers and illegal downloaders everywhere. He just started a new company called MEGA that is strikingly similar to his older, more notorious one in both name and function.
Anyway, skip ahead 45 seconds or so to see the beginning of the ?mock FBI raid?:
Dude obviously sees himself as some kind of legal martyr/populist hero saving all of us from ?The Man?. In his case, that would be the FBI (whose case against him is embarrassingly weak).
The rest of the event featured dancers, techno music, high-minded lectures, and a general sense of self-righteousness. Here?s the whole thing if you?re interested; we didn?t really want to give Dotcom too much of the attention he so obviously craves.
So how is the new service different from the old? Well, Mega?s decryption codes belong to users rather than site administrators, so no one on the Mega side can see what?s being shared. See no evil? Crafty. We can?t imagine this new site changing Dotcom?s reputation as a cyber-villain/porn hoarder, but it did attract so many new users on its first day of operation that the server could barely handle the workload.
At any rate, we?d love to hear of anyone planning a launch party as weird and crazy as this one.
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As you get older you find out that TRUE happiness is not in how much you make or how big your house is or how fancy your car is. It is finding peace and joy and a calmness in your life that will soon become the most important thing to you. Your family are what matters to you, love is what matters to you. Things that are of quality not quantity.?
This brings me to why home is where the heart is. By contrast to what one might think, home for me ( yes, a designer) is about family which is the greatest value of all. Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life no matter what. The home is where our family laughs, eats, cooks, prays, encourages one another and has fun. ?And so, home is not about the objects and material things that create it, it is about the people and love you fill it with. ?After all, life is too short?to be anything but truly happy.
Readers and clients always ask me what my dream house would be. People figure because I am a designer, I must want a big house filled with desinger fabrics and objects. No, this is not even close ! ?What I long for is a place to spend time with friends and family. Nothing big, just a ?small cabin tucked away in nature's beautiful bounty with lots of trees, greens, a lake, and my own organic garden! A special place that would be about making memories and appreciating the environment.?
So to all 50,000 of my blog readers - many of whom have written in to ask me what my dream home would look like, here it is! ?
![]() |
Plenty of beds for loved ones! XO |
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? Taxpayers preparing to file their 2012 returns can breathe a collective sigh of relief.
The alternative minimum tax or AMT has been patched ? permanently ? and several tax credits and deductions that technically expired at the end of 2011 were extended as part of the fiscal cliff legislation that Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed into law in January.
"It certainly puts back into place many of the tax benefits that had expired for many people," said Mark Steber, chief tax officer with Jackson Hewitt Tax Services. "The extenders will be back on people's tax returns, making their 2012 refunds larger than they would have been."
But the delay in congressional action could mean confusion for some taxpayers over what credits and deductions still exist.
That could make going it alone on tax day costly. Experts say people should seek some guidance, whether it's from a professional tax preparer, up-to-date software programs or tax guides, before filing returns.
More than 90 percent of taxpayers go to a tax preparer or use tax software to file their returns, estimated Jim Buttonow, a 20-year IRS veteran who is now vice president of products for New River Innovation, a tax technology company.
The Internal Revenue Service will begin accepting returns Jan. 30, an eight-day delay necessitated by the late congressional action.
"We have worked hard to open tax season as soon as possible," IRS Acting Commissioner Steven T. Miller said in a statement. "This date ensures we have the time we need to update and test our processing systems."
The agency said most taxpayers ? more than 120 million households ? would be able to begin filing Jan. 30. But filing for those claiming energy credits, depreciation of property or general business credits will be delayed until late February or March.
Last year, the agency received 137 million returns.
Electronic filing increased by 6.2 percent to 113 million in 2012, an upward trend that tax experts expect to continue. Although most electronically filed returns are by tax professionals, increasing percentages of individuals are doing their own returns electronically.
Nearly 104 million people received refunds last year totaling about $283 billion. The average refund was $2,707, slightly less than the year before, according to the IRS.
As people sit down to do their taxes this year, they'll find that the standard deduction has been adjusted higher for inflation, to $11,900 for married couples filing jointly, $8,700 for heads of households and $5,950 for single taxpayers.
About two-thirds of taxpayers claim the standard deduction, according to Barbara Weltman, an author of J.K. Lasser's Tax Guide 2013.
Each personal exemption is worth $3,800 this year, up from $3,700 in 2011. Look expansively at dependents beyond your children under 19, or 24 if in college. For example, if you're paying more than half the support for your parents and their taxable income is less than the $3,800 exemption, you might be able to claim them as dependents even if they're not living in your own home.
"If a parent's only income is Social Security, chances are little or none of the Social Security will be taxable. Otherwise, very few people would get to claim a parent," said Jackie Perlman, principal tax research analyst with H&R Block's Tax Institute.
Single taxpayers with qualified children or relatives as dependents also may be able to use head of household filing status, which is more advantageous to the taxpayer.
There also are higher mileage rate deductions ? 55.5 cents per mile if you use your car for business, 23 cents per mile for moving or medical issues and 14 cents a mile for charity.
Capital gains rates are unchanged from 2011 ? a maximum of 15 percent for assets held more than a year.
And don't forget planning for retirement. You can contribute up to $5,000 to a traditional individual retirement account ? $6,000 for people age 50 and older ? and reduce their income by that amount. If you haven't made a contribution yet, there's still time. You have until April 15, the tax filing deadline.
Be aware, however. Many deductions and credits phase out at higher incomes.
Dozens of credits and deductions that affect 2012 taxes had been due to expire at the end of 2011, but were extended as part of the legislation that restored the Bush-era tax cuts for most taxpayers.
The measure breathed new life into deductions for state and local sales taxes and an array of education-related credits and deductions. Not to mention the lack of an AMT patch.
"There was broad bipartisan agreement it had to be fixed," Steber said.
Originally set up to make sure millionaires were paying taxes, the AMT was ensnaring increasing numbers of middle-class taxpayers. To avoid that, the tax has been adjusted for inflation every year, but the last patch expired at the end of 2011. Without a new one, Miller said in a letter to Congress last fall, about 33 million taxpayers would have to pay the AMT in 2012, up from about 4 million in 2011.
Congress, as part of the fiscal cliff bill, passed a permanent fix for the AMT. Going forward, it will be indexed according to inflation.
For 2012, the AMT exemption is $50,600 for unmarried individuals and $78,750 for joint filers.
"It's just not that they passed the threshold amount and indexed it for inflation," said Kathy Pickering, executive director of H&R Block's Tax institute. "The other nugget in there is that the nonrefundable credits are allowed."
That means filers subject to the AMT may still be able to use these credits, as long as their income doesn't exceed the phaseout limits.
The fiscal cliff bill signed by Obama also extends the $1,000 per child tax credit, the expanded earned income tax credit and the credit for adopting a child.
Several education-related credits and deductions also were extended in the legislation.
The American Opportunity Tax Credit can be worth up to $2,500 for college tuition. The credit, which can be claimed for each of the first four years of college, was extended through 2017. Elementary and secondary school teachers will still be able to deduct up to $250 of their out-of-pocket expenses for the classroom.
And taxpayers will have the choice of deducting state and local sales taxes instead of state and local income taxes. This is especially important to residents of states like Florida, which doesn't have an income tax.
Knowing what tax credits and benefits you're eligible for is key. No one wants to pay more than is required in taxes.
"You certainly want to understand the tax law," Steber said. "Look to life changes" like retirement, losing a job, getting married, having a child or an elderly parent moving in as events that can affect your taxes.
For people in the Northeast, Superstorm Sandy certainly was a life-changing event. State officials have estimated the total damage at more than $80 billion, most of it in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Tax law allows victims in federally declared disaster areas to file casualty claims in the year the incident happened or file an amended return for the previous year.
If they don't have all the material they need yet to file 2012 returns, they can amend their 2011 return now to include the casualty losses.
"It's one of the unique things about those disaster areas," Pickering said.
That's just one of the reasons people file amended returns.
Amended returns are often filed when taxpayers discover discrepancies in the income that was reported. Sometimes they receive a 1099 form late or a corrected one after they filed their returns. Or they may discover that they didn't take a deduction or credit to which they were entitled.
Some people are reluctant to file amended returns out of fear that they might be audited.
Mark Luscombe, principal tax analyst for CCH, said the IRS closely guards statistics on what type of returns invite audits.
"An amended return would not necessarily be an invitation for an audit," he said.
"It depends what's contained in there," said Greg Rosica, a partner at Ernst & Young. "If it's a very large refund it could get a different level of review."
Internal Revenue Service:
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"I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues," Dr. Seuss's the Lorax said. And perhaps we should all be speaking for the trees, as a new study links the presence of trees with human health.
Specifically, researchers found that people experienced more deaths from heart disease and respiratory disease when they lived in areas where trees had disappeared.
"There's a natural tendency to see our findings and conclude that, surely, the higher mortality rates are because of some confounding variable, like income or education, and not the loss of trees," study researcher Geoffrey Donovan, who is a research forester at the Pacific Northwest Research Station of the U.S. Forest Service, said in a statement. "But we saw the same pattern repeated over and over in counties with very different demographic makeups."
The study, which is published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, involved data from 1,296 counties spread over 15 states. Researchers examined how many deaths from heart and respiratory disease occurred over 18 years.
The researchers found an association between areas that had been affected by the emerald ash borer beetle -- which kills trees, leaving areas treeless -- and 15,000 more deaths from heart disease and 6,000 more deaths from respiratory disease.
"This finding adds to the growing evidence that the natural environment provides major public health benefits," researchers wrote in the study.
Past studies on the health effects of nature lean more toward its effects on mental health. For example, 2010 research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology shows that it helps people to feel more alive.
And another study, in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning, shows that it could actually decrease levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, Prevention magazine reported. A more recent study has also linked spending time in nature with increased creativity.
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FILE - This Jan. 20, 2009 file photo shows people keeping warm near a steam vent on the National Mall in Washington prior to the start of then-President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration. It will be the first up or down fact check of a Barack Obama campaign pledge for his second term: Promised warmer Inauguration Day weather. Will he _ or Mother Nature _ deliver? It's looking like an uncomfortably close call _ the emphasis on the word uncomfortable for people who will be outside on what's predicted to be a downright chilly day. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)
FILE - This Jan. 20, 2009 file photo shows people keeping warm near a steam vent on the National Mall in Washington prior to the start of then-President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration. It will be the first up or down fact check of a Barack Obama campaign pledge for his second term: Promised warmer Inauguration Day weather. Will he _ or Mother Nature _ deliver? It's looking like an uncomfortably close call _ the emphasis on the word uncomfortable for people who will be outside on what's predicted to be a downright chilly day. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)
FILE - This Jan. 20, 2009 file photo shows bundled-up members the San Francisco Boys Chorus and the San Francisco Girls Chorus singing on Capitol Hill in Washington, before the start of the swearing-in ceremony for Barack Obama. It will be the first up or down fact check of a Barack Obama campaign pledge for his second term: Promised warmer Inauguration Day weather. Will he _ or Mother Nature _ deliver? It's looking like an uncomfortably close call _ the emphasis on the word uncomfortable for people who will be outside on what's predicted to be a downright chilly day. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds, File)
Chart shows temperatures for January inaugurals
FILE - This Jan. 20, 1961 black-and-white file photo showsPresident John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy walk outside the White House during inauguration ceremonies, just as the parade began. An 8-inch snowfall on the eve of John F. Kennedy's inauguration in 1961 left hundreds of cars marooned and thousands more abandoned. It will be the first up or down fact check of a Barack Obama campaign pledge for his second term: Promised warmer Inauguration Day weather. Will he _ or Mother Nature _ deliver? It's looking like an uncomfortably close call _ the emphasis on the word uncomfortable for people who will be outside on what's predicted to be a downright chilly day. (AP Photo, File)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Consider it the first fact check of a Barack Obama campaign pledge for his second term: Will he, or Mother Nature, deliver on promised warmer Inauguration Day weather?
It's shaping up as a close call.
In September, while campaigning in Colorado, Obama was talking to a potential voter who mentioned he had been one of the hundreds of thousands of people outdoors at Obama's bone-chilling first inaugural in 2009, when the noontime temperature was 28 degrees. Obama promised: "This one is going to be warmer."
Scientifically, the president can't control the weather of course. Still, it's a promise that for a long time looked close to a sure thing with the average high on Jan. 21 being about 43 degrees.
An Arctic cold front looks to be racing toward the mid-Atlantic, so it will be slightly cooler than normal on Monday ? and with a chance of snow ? but not as cold as it was in 2009. Look for highs around 40 degrees with noon temperatures in the mid- to upper 30s. That would keep Obama's pledge.
There's also a 40 percent chance of scattered snow showers. But the Arctic cold front won't arrive until Monday night into Tuesday.
Extreme cold on Inauguration Day, folklore says, can be a killer.
In 1841, newly elected president William Henry Harrison stood outside without a coat or hat as he spoke for an hour and 40 minutes. He caught a cold that day and it became pneumonia and he died one month after being sworn in.
Twelve years later, outgoing first lady Abigail Fillmore got sick after sitting outside on a cold wet platform as Franklin Pierce was inaugurated and she died of pneumonia at the end of the month. Doctors now know that pneumonia is caused by germs, but prolonged exposure to extreme cold weather may hurt the airways and make someone more susceptible to getting sick.
Seth Borenstein can be followed at
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HAVANA (Reuters) - A unilateral ceasefire declared by the Marxist FARC rebels at the start of peace talks with the Colombian government ended on Sunday after the government refused to join the truce, the group said.
"With pain in my heart, we have to admit that we return to the stage of war that nobody in this country (Colombia) wants," FARC lead negotiator Ivan Marquez told reporters before going into the latest session of the talks aimed at ending Colombia's long, bloody conflict.
The FARC, or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, declared the ceasefire when the talks began on November 19 in Havana, and gave the Colombian government two months to also lay down its arms.
"The fact is that the number of operations carried out by the group decreased significantly, the number of police and soldiers killed or injured decreased ... The conclusion is that there was a relative compliance with the ceasefire," Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said late on Sunday.
Santos said the FARC was involved in some violence during the ceasefire, but it was hard to tell whether the guerrillas were defending themselves or attacking.
Government forces have continued to attack and kill the rebels in their remote strongholds in the jungles and mountains of Colombia. Santos, who had rejected the ceasefire from the beginning, said the rebels may be planning a new offensive.
Marquez did not disclose their plans, but urged Santos to reconsider the government's decision not to lay down arms.
Colombian officials had called the ceasefire a sham to gain international favor and said the government would maintain the military pressure to keep FARC at the negotiating table.
Santos also said the government's armed forces had captured three members of the National Liberation Army, Colombia's second largest guerrilla movement, who were involved in the kidnapping on Friday of five mining company workers.
The group, including a Canadian, two Peruvians and two Colombians worked for the Canadian mining company Braeval at a gold mine project.
"We know the area in which they are, but we'll be careful to protect the lives of these people," Santos said.
The two sides have been fighting since the formation of the FARC as a communist agrarian movement in 1964 in what is now Latin America's longest-running insurgency and a relic of the Cold War.
Tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced in the conflict, which the FARC says is aimed at ending Colombia's long history of social inequality and the concentration of land and wealth in relatively few hands.
Officials say the FARC has been weakened by a U.S.-backed, 10-year-long government offensive.
But the group still has an estimated 9,000 fighters capable of continuing to inflict damage on Colombia's infrastructure and slow the government's plans to increase foreign investment in mining and oil operations.
The agenda for the talks calls for the two sides to address a number of difficult issues, starting with rural development.
In recent days, they have publicly disagreed about a sweeping land redistribution proposal by the FARC to hand over 25 million hectares (62 million acres), or more than 20 percent of the country's land, to the poor.
Government lead negotiator Humberto de la Calle this week called for a quicker pace to the talks, which Santos has said he wants ended by November.
(Reporting By Jeff Franks and Marc Frank.; Additional reporting By Luis Jaime Acosta and Eduardo Garcia.; Editing by Sandra Maler and Christopher Wilson)
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Christchurch?officials?hope to persuade a delegation from football's ruling body to allow?the city?to host matches in the 2015 under-20 World Cup.
New Zealand Football won the right to host the?tournament and is?working with Fifa to allocate matches to host cities.
Fifa delegates?will arrive in Christchurch on Sunday for two days of meetings with city council representatives and members of the city's tourism, sports and hospitality industries who want to convince them that Christchurch should be one of the?host cities.
Mayor Bob Parker said football was the world's most popular sport and the?event?would be a great opportunity to showcase the city.
The tournament?would be televised in more than 200 territories around the world, with an?audience of almost 470 million viewers.
Hosting even the minimum?number of matches available would be worth at?least 6800 international visitor nights and bring in potentially $4.3 million to $5.4m to the local economy.
Council recreation and sport manager John Filsell said having the best young players in the world playing here would encourage youngsters to take up the sport and broaden the appeal of football throughout the community.
He?said Christchurch had?hosted Fifa events before.
"We hosted matches from the under-17 women's World Cup in 2008 and the under 17 men's World Cup in 1999. We have the experience and resources to host a great tournament here," he said.
A maximum of eight New Zealand cities will have the opportunity to host World Cup events, and Christchurch officials are optimistic that the city will win the support of Fifa delegates.
A decision on the allocation of matches is expected to be made at the end of next month.
- ? Fairfax NZ News
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The agenda has been announced for the Twelfth Annual San Francisco?SuperMeet, to take place Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at the Mission Bay?Conference Center in San Francisco, CA. Jay Cassidy A.C.E. (SILVER LININGS?PLAYBOOK, INCONVIENIENT TRUTH, INTO THE WILD) will be the featured guest.?This SuperMeet promises to be the single largest gathering of Final Cut,?Adobe, Avid, Autodesk editors, and Digital Filmmakers, Gurus and users in?the Bay Area for all of 2013.
The agenda is now set for the CPUG SanFrancisco SuperMeet, to take place Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at the?Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, CA. This SuperMeet promises?to be the single largest gathering of Final Cut, Adobe, Avid, Autodesk?editors, and Digital Filmmakers, Gurus and users in the Bay Area for all of?2013. Tickets to the SuperMeet can be purchased at the SuperMeet website.Doors open at 4:30PM.
Scheduled to appear on stage will be film editor Jay Cassidy A.C.E, (SILVER?LININGS PLAYBOOK, INCONVIENIENT TRUTH, INTO THE WILD) Jay will discuss his?career editing films, the craft of editing as well as speak on his latest?film SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK, for which he was just nominated for an Academy?Award and a A.C.E. Eddy award for Best Film Editing. There will be ample?time for questions.
"It's my honor to be the featured guest at the San Francisco SuperMeet this?year," states Cassidy. "SuperMeets are an intense gathering of talented and?creative people who come together to learn from each other. I'm delighted to?be there and share my experiences from the films I've edited in any way that?might inspire."
In addition film editor Dan Lebental A.C.E (IRON MAN 1 AND 2, ELF, COWBOYS?AND ALIENS) will show off TouchEdit, the soon to be released NLE for the?iPad. TouchEdit is a revolutionary new app that captures the spirit of?classical filmmaking while offering cutting-edge digital editing?capabilities. TouchEdit is frame accurate and carries timecode and can?export a list -fcpxml with others to follow. It carries 8 tracks of stereo?sound and so much more.?Freelance film & video tech "geek" Adam Wilt will debut Cine Meter, a?professional film/video/photo application for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod?Touch. Using the built-in camera on any iDevice with a camera running iOS?5.0 or higher, Cine Meter provides filmmakers a shutter-priority reflected?light meter, an RGB waveform monitor, and a false-color picture mode.
Adobe Evangelist Jason Levine returns to the SuperMeet stage, this time to?share the latest on the new Adobe Creative Cloud membership service,?specifically on features geared towards today's video professionals.
Marco Solorio, multi-award winning filmmaker and owner of OneRiver Media,?will walk us through the process of shooting RAW on the now shipping?Blackmagic Cinema Camera and how it differs from shooting traditional video.?With a new independent short film currently in production from OneRiver?Media, the SuperMeet audience will get a sneak peak of some of the principle?footage and how it was exposed for RAW. Colorist Alexis Van Hurkman will?then grade the Raw footage live using the DaVinci Resolve color correction?system.
Rounding out the evening will be the always wild "World Famous Raffle,"?where currently over $35,000.00 worth of valuable filmmaker related prizes?will be handed out to dozens of lucky winners.
Doors will open at 4:30PM for the "SuperMeet Digital Showcase," featuring?software and hardware developers including Adobe, Avid, Blackmagic Design,?Atomos, Drobo, KeyCode Media, ASMP, HDDisk. Maxon, mLogic. Neyrinck,?Peachpit, Pixelflow, RE:Vision FX and more. Here, attendees can enjoy a few?cocktails, mingle and party with industry peers, network one on one with?leading manufacturers and learn about the latest trends in collaborative?editing workflows for post production and broadcast markets.
Tickets are only $15.00 each (includes 2 raffle tickets) for General?Admission and 10.00 for students and Teachers and are on sale online only.?It will be $20.00 each at the door assuming any tickets are left as?historically every SuperMeet sells out. Food (snacks) and cash bars will be?available throughout the evening.
To purchase tickets and for complete details on the SuperMeet including?updated agenda, a current list of raffle prizes and directions to the?Mission Bay Conference Center, go to the SuperMeet web site.?
Creative Pro User Group (CPUG) Network SuperMeets are gatherings of Final?Cut, Adobe, Avid, Autodesk editors, gurus and visual storytellers from?throughout the world who use or want to learn to use Macintosh-based?workflows. SuperMeets started as a grassroots movement to connect Apple FCP?Editors at a local level. Now in its eleventh year, the producers behind the?SuperMeets have harnessed the energy of local chapters globally and turned?SuperMeets into the industry?s most influential user-organized series of?global events. SuperMeets are held annually in San Francisco, Las Vegas,?London, Amsterdam and Boston. The SuperMeet agenda usually includes local?and industry filmmaker show and tells, digital video tips and tricks and?user-driven workflows and world premiere announcements of new hardware and?software. Also featured is the SuperMeet Digital Showcase with vendors and?small developers providing workflow solutions, often paired with an Open?Screen Theater for digital filmmakers and content creators to network,?screen content and collaborate. Website:
City mayor Sir Peter Soulsby has asked officials to start looking for privately-owned sites which could be turned into managed camps for gypsies and travellers.
Earlier this month, Sir Peter announced his intention to develop council-owned plots of up to 10 pitches at Red Hill Way, Mowmacre Hill, and of up to six pitches at Greengate Lane, Beaumont Leys.
The Greengate Lane site - one of Leicester council-owned areas to be use for pitches
However, he says planners have identified a need for at least 40 in the hope they will provide alternatives to illegal camping on roadsides and roundabouts in the city.
The two proposed sites were selected from 350 in the council's possession. The others were ruled out for various reasons after about a year of consultation and intense opposition from nearby residents.
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However, the demand has still not been met, Sir Peter told councillors.
He said: "There was quite a degree of hostility to all the suggestions. Even with the sites I have identified, we still fall a long way short of the demonstrated need.
"I have to acknowledge we have exhausted the council-owned sites. I have asked officers to come up with a process of identifying sites elsewhere in the city that are outside council ownership.''
He said no privately-owned sites had yet been earmarked, but said he had asked officers to look into possibilities.
He said: "I want them to present me with options as to how to identify potential sites.
"It could be asking ward councillors if they know of suitable areas, though I don't imagine they will rush forward with suggestions in the areas they represent. It is about doing it systematically over the city."
He said he hoped officers would be able to start looking for sites within three months.
As reported in yesterday's Mercury, Sir Peter's original choices have prompted five Labour councillors to take the unprecedented step of challenging his decision by officially calling it in.
That means it will be debated at council next week.
The call in came from the members for the Abbey and Beaumont Leys Wards, Annette Byrne, Harshad Bhavsar, assistant mayor Vi Dempster, Sundip Meghani and Paul Westley.
Only Coun Westley has responded to the Mercury's efforts to speak to them about why they took the step.
He said he was pleased a proposed site at Beaumont Way had been ruled out and stressed he had opposed the Greengate Lane option since "Day One." He said: "We are still concerned about the impact on highways on the Red HIll Way roundabout and Greengate Lane."
Tory opposition councillor Ross Grant said: "There will be people worried about where the mayor will look to put more pitches. It is still hanging over everyone because, by his own admission, what he has announced does not meet the need."
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John Gurzinski/Getty Images(NEW YORK) ? Barack Obama approaches his second term with his highest job approval rating since his first year in office (save for a brief Osama bin Laden bounce) and a clear upper hand over the deeply unpopular Congress ? including majority support for his demand to decouple talks on the debt ceiling and budget cuts.
With another showdown on the nation?s borrowing limit looming, 58 percent of Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll say the debt ceiling should be handled separately from the debate on spending cuts. Thirty-six percent instead favor linking the two, as the Republicans in Congress seek ? a position that drew a tart response from the president Monday.
See a PDF with full results, charts and tables here.
If it comes to a standoff, moreover, just 22 percent in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, indicate they?re willing to have the federal government default on its debt obligations or partially shut down if budget cuts can?t be agreed. And the president leads the GOP leadership in trust to handle the issue by a 14-point margin.
The results are perhaps unhelpful to House Speaker John Boehner, who said Monday, ?The American people do not support raising the debt ceiling without reducing government spending at the same time.? That followed Obama?s comment that failing to lift the debt limit would be ?irresponsible? and ?absurd?; he called the linkage to budget cuts ?a ransom.?
TERM 2 ? Obama, more generally, is in comparatively fine fettle, particularly given the public?s still-unresolved economic concerns. Fifty-five percent approve of his job performance overall, the most since November 2009, save for a blip at 56 percent immediately after Navy SEALS killed Osama bin Laden in spring 2011.
The president?s rating compares with 19 percent approval for Congress ? matching its lowest at or near the start of a new session in polls by ABC and the Post, or Gallup, since 1975. (It was the same as now in 2009.)
The Democrats in Congress get a 37 percent approval rating; the Republicans, a dreary 24 percent. Obama?s premium in approval over the Democrats in Congress is about his usual (18 points now vs. an average of 16 points), but he?s got a stronger hand than usual against the Republicans ? a 31-point approval advantage now, compared within 25 points on average since he took office.
Still, Obama?s rating suffers from extreme partisanship: Ninety percent of Democrats approve of his job performance overall; a mere 17 percent of Republicans approve, with independents, at 54 percent approval, tipping the scale. The current 73-point Democratic-Republican gap in Obama?s approval rating is close to the average in his presidency to date, 68 percent ? higher than for any of his four predecessors in ABC/Post data.
In any case, overall, 61 percent of Americans rate Obama as a strong leader, the most in nearly three years; 55 percent say he understands the problems of average Americans, the most in two years (and a key to his successful re-election campaign); and 53 percent say they?re optimistic about the policies he?ll pursue in the next four years.
That latter shows the comedown a second-termer can expect; in a similar question when Obama first took office, far more, 68 percent, expressed optimism about the policies he?d pursue. That?s 15 points lower now ? but, all the same, very similar to the 51 percent optimism that greeted George W. Bush at the start of his own second term.
Further ? and potentially a key card in negotiations ahead ? the president is far less likely than his Republican counterparts to be seen as insufficiently willing to compromise on important issues. While 48 percent say Obama is doing too little to give ground in negotiations, many more, 67 percent, say that about the Republican leadership.
BUT STILL ? That?s not to say all?s perfect for the president by any means. Fifty percent approve of his handling the economy, matching last month at a level not exceeded since November 2009. But it?s a tepid score all the same ? and more ?strongly? disapprove than strongly approve, by a 13-point margin. That negative intensity, marking continued economic discontent, could trip up Obama in the months ahead.
Further underscoring the president?s risks, most Americans, 57 percent, continue to say the country is headed pretty seriously off on the wrong track ? down from 69 percent as recently as last August, and from 77 percent in fall 2011, but still a negative reading, and thus a hazardous one. Indeed, among people who say the country?s headed in the right direction, 95 percent approve of the president?s job performance; among those who say it?s on the wrong track, that dives to 27 percent.
Another comparison provides some context: Marked against previous postwar presidents at the start of their second term, Obama?s approval rating is numerically better than just two ? Richard Nixon in 1973 (51 percent) and George W. Bush in 2005 (52 percent). Harry S. Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton all were better off.
There are, of course extenuating circumstances; Obama?s had the misfortune to preside over the longest and deepest economic downturn since the great depression, taking him from a high of 69 percent approval in April 2009 to a record-low 42 percent 15 months ago. He?s been inching back as the economy?s weakly recovered, and his rating now is a scant 3 points better than his career average 52 percent in ABC/Post polls since he?s taken office.
GROUPS ? The partisan differences in the president?s rating, while striking, are reflected in differences among other groups as well. Obama?s approval rating is 41 points higher among nonwhites (85 percent) than whites (44 percent). It?s 42 points higher among the non-religious compared with evangelical white Protestants. And the gap is 53 points between liberals (82 percent of whom approve of the president?s work) and conservatives (29 percent).
While other gaps aren?t as vast, the president?s rating is 17 points higher in urban areas than in the suburbs, and 27 points higher in cities than in rural areas; 20 points higher among adults younger than 40 than among those 40 and up; 15 points higher among adults with post-graduate degrees than among those who started but haven?t finished college; higher in the Northeast than in the Midwest (by 15 points) or the South (by 12 points); 12 points higher among lower- to middle-income adults than among the better-off financially; 12 points higher in 2012 ?blue? states than in the red ones; and 10 points higher among women than men.
Many of these groups, of course, are themselves differentiated by partisan and ideological preferences, and those unquestionably are the driving forces in assessments of the president?s performance. The question, in this so heavily partisan age, is how much room is left for him to win and hold allegiance in the four years ahead.
Copyright 2013 ABC News Radio?
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